next generation
in coal mining technology

The next generation in coal mining technology

PBE is a highly productive and safe remote underground mining technology.


Remote operation reduces RISK OF INJURY & HEALTH RISK

PBE removes people from the hazardous conditions of underground mining by:
Eliminating workers exposure to roof falls or rib falls
Limiting interaction will large moving mining equipment
Removing the need for workers to travel into active mining areas
Eliminating dust inhalation
Eliminating gas inhalation


Lower Environment Impact

PBE mining method can be configured to reduce or eliminate subsidence to the surface and limits disturbance to underground aquifers.
With reduced upfront capital requirements and low operating unit costs, PBE can help restart mines in care & maintenance and limit the requirement for new mining lease approvals with new surface infrastructure and associated surface disturbance.


Low Capital, Low Operating Cost

PBE is a high productivity process underpinned by reduced manning requirements.
Low entry capital costs which are comparable to bord and pillar operations.
Low operating costs which are comparable to or lower than longwall operations.
Able to relocate easily from one mining area to another – ability to selectively mine within seam to maximize yield & recoveries

What is


PBE Technologies had developed a unique, innovative, patented, highly disruptive mining technology - a technology that will change the way coal is mined throughout the world.

pbe mining system in operation

PBE has commissioned its first operating system under a mining contract in Central
Queensland and has demonstrated the integration of its critical technical
innovations integral to the PBE Mining methodology